Not A Chance, Mate

So you apply for a job, but they hire some chick because, in the boss’s actual words, they want to hire fewer White men.

Crystal-clear case of race- and sex discrimination.

So you sue the company on those grounds, and win bigly — millions of bucks which enable you to retire early and live in the South of France with a blonde nymphomaniac totty who has massive tatas.

Oh wait, I got that all wrong.

But the panel dismissed his claims – which the hearing heard had been branded ‘absurd’ – ruling it was not ‘indicative of an intention to discriminate’ when an employer mentioned its aim to improve diversity in an underrepresented workforce.

Slamming down his claims, an employment judge said that although a firm may aspire to be ‘less dominated by white men’, it does not mean there’s an ‘intention to achieve that objective by discriminating in recruitment against white men and in favour of women or minority ethnic candidates’.

I think the ruling was AI-generated.


  1. Yeah, but according to the article being a white male wasn’t his only problem: the interviewers also thought he was a bit of a jerk.

    “Led by Mr Jones, his prospective employers thought Mr Palmer was a ‘serious candidate’ who should progress to the first interview, despite having a ‘couple of reservations’ about him.

    The first interview was in August 2021, after which the three interviewers expressed their ‘doubts’. It was heard they felt he ‘talked a lot’, and were left wondering if he would be a ‘good listener’. They were also ‘concerned’ about his seniority and wage expectations, with court documents saying he had suggested a £100,000 salary.

    In the internal hiring spreadsheet, one said there was an ‘arrogance we need to tease out’.”

    As always, the devil is in the details.

  2. I work at a *very* rural branch of one of the major defense contractors. Apparently, we are considered a shameful standout in their diversity stats because we’re almost 100% white. We’ve been struggling to fill positions recently because recruiting and hiring are handled at the corporate level. Even when there are known, qualified candidates, they just don’t get job offers.

  3. Not an issue at my current firm, but I have been previously told to hire a woman/minority for a position. I have no particular problem with that theoretically if I can find a qualified candidate who wants the job, but that can be very difficult. And I will not hire an unqualified engineer because that impacts the department performance (which is my performance).

    Left there, the hired amd unqualified woman to replace me, but she didn’t last a year. Stupid ends up hurting.

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