5 Worst Irish Names

Too many vowels, too many strange pronunciation rules, too… just too fucking Irish:

  1.  Saoirse (“sear-sha”, or if you want to mess with them, “sasha”)
  2. Ciarán (“kier-ahn”)
  3. Aisling (“ash-ling”)
  4. Eoin (“oh-win”)
  5. Bronagh / Bronaugh (“Broh-na” — with a very slight “ch” at the end, pronounced like the Scottish “loch”) — see also Clodagh.

I think they just have these names to fuck with ordinary English-speaking people, so that they can mock us for not knowing how to pronounce them.  They’re almost as bad as the French.


News Roundup

Let’s start off with some Food News:

...an overreaction to the milkshake machine breaking down yet again?  Also, keyword:  Liverpool.

And we’re not done with MickeyD yet:

...they should have taken the example of the above and all set themselves on fire.  Keyword:  Bristol.

And speaking of clueless idiots:

...life sucks, and then you realize just how much Nothing that a little military draft experience couldn’t fix — because that’s when you realize that as much as you think your life sucks, it can get far worse.

From Hogwarts News:

...my question is:  is this course offered by the Psychology or Economics department?

...wait, you mean astrology, chicken entrails, palm readings and tea leaves are all Fake Science now?

From the Let NYC Sink Dept.:

...Dr. Kim sez: take two spare mags, and call me in the morning.

In related news:

...will no one rid us of this meddlesome Nazi?  [/Henry II]

Still on the Glueball Jihate thing:

...I’ve always said that what the Islamist World needs is a whole more martyrs.  More like this, please.

And in Global Cooling Climate Warming Change© news:

...key word:  Sussex.  Wait:  Sussex county England, not Sussex county, Oklahoma?

In Dead Entertainer News:

Matthew Perry Dead By Drowning
...I forget:  he was the non-Schwimmer, right?

...wait:  Morgan Fairchild is 73???

...Great Aphrodite’s wrinkled thingy.

Some Sex Social Work News:

...no link because it’s all right there in the headline.

And in some equally-spicy INSIGNIFICA:

just so she can sing about them in her next break-up song?

From Woman’s World:

...she’s not technically a gran as she’s only in her Fabulous Fifties, but whatever.
We’ve seen her on these pages before;  but not like this:

And speaking of women in their Fabulous Fifties, here’s a 51-year-old we all know and I lust after:

...yes, it’s a double feature of scantily-clad women today.  Whatever:

Yeah, I’d give her the old International Harvester any day.

And on that soulful note, we end our news.

Doomed By Stupidity

I once had a Jewish girl friend who complained:  “Oy, Judaism is such an inconvenient religion!”  when she was really hungry one morning and I offered her (in jest) a ham-and-cheese sandwich (which she turned down, btw, “because that’s doubleplus-un-kosher, Kim” ).

She should thank her lucky stars she wasn’t a Muslim.

…what used to be known as “taking things to extremes.”


One last Halloween thing, before we consign it to the trash heap of 2013.  Actually, it’s one of the few things I don’t mind too much about this stupid event:  the way celebrities go out of their way to make even bigger fools of themselves than we know they are already.  That said, there are some benefits, especially when it comes to showing the flesh.

Take Mrs. Ozzy Osbourne, for instance:

…who was actually copying some else’s “costume”:

Oy, Sharon…

Then there’s Heidi Klum, who went the other way this Halloween and actually covered up (as opposed to being semi-naked most of the time):

Then there’s Jonathan Ross (“Wossy”)’s daughter Honey:

Okay, I’ll need to make amends for that one (no man should):

Okay, that’s enough of that.

Required Viewing

Almost every speech or article by Victor Davis Hanson is worth one’s attention, but his speech on George S. Patton is absolutely filled with all sorts of relevance in today’s society.

Specifically, VDH comments on the unease with which civilized societies view (and treat) their warriors — and he’s absolutely correct.  (By the way, the sainted Omar Bradley doesn’t come out very well, which alone makes it worth watching.)

(You only have to watch the first 40 minutes or so to get the full flavor.)