Si, Ragazzi!

Finally, a bit of good news:

Fiat has confirmed it has stopped producing cars in one particular colour – not due to a lack of demand from customers but because it doesn’t represent the brand’s ‘New Dolce Vita’ values, the Italian firm said.

And that offensive color?

As of today, the company will no longer sell grey cars.

Oh, be still my beating heart.  And why not grey?

Fiat said the decision has been made to ‘enhance the importance of colours in life, embodying the Italian way of living’.

Let’s be honest, I don’t think anyone associates the color grey with Italy or Italians.

If grey can be associated with any nation, it has to be Britishland, mostly because of their gloomy weather but also because of their instinct for self-effacement and distaste for anything that reeks of “flashy”.

And right on cue:

But the move could significantly backfire when it comes to demand for new Fiats in Britain, with grey being the nation’s most popular car colour for half a decade.

Ugh.  Enough of the gloomy greys, say I, and let’s get back to some… Italian colors.


Yeah, that’s more like it.


  1. If I could afford a new truck it would be cloaked in “gunmetal” gray sheet metal. There’s a time for peacocking and a time for being subdued and the intelligent person knows the diff.

  2. What I’d like is the utility of a color I’ll call “Road Salt Grey” in a daily driver.

    None of the colorful Italians you posted would look at all good in it. I wouldn’t want to drive any of them in road salt weather either. So, Fiat – carry on. The Brits will get over it.

    1. Heh. Many years ago, my father ordered a pickup in a shade of tan that very closely matched the color of dust in the arid region where we lived.

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