News Roundup

And believe it or not, ladies:  it’s the truth.  Unless, of course, she’s so worn out by all the work that she comes after him with a cleaver when he just asks her to make him a sammich.

In Military News:

...wait:  you mean that young White men are actually wanted in today’s Army?

From the Dept. of Health:

...wait:  don’t they want us to start eating bugs?

Things Political:

...and even fewer people care what you think about Rand Paul, you RINO loser.

And in ShowBiz News:

...key word:  died.  What’s next:  a mass pee-in on his grave?  Can you assholes leave the fucking guy alone, now that he’s beyond “manipulating” anyone?

In GlueBall Jewhate News:

...because their Arab terrorist compadres hate Israel.  There:  saved y’all the trouble of following the link.  And speaking of terrorsymp shitheads: for thought, fuckwit:  Jews aren’t going to be setting off bombs in your mosque — although if they behaved like your terrorist buddies, they would.

In Global City News:

...keyword:  Birmingham, UK.

...keyword:  see above.

From the Dept. Of Education:

...I think the death penalty — wait, it was a female teacher?  Never mind.

...keep maintaining, sweetie.  Ain’t gonna help. wouldn’t think so if you shopped at Amazon, where it seems that every single fucking item is “Made in China”.



...and trust me, you don’t want to see the  link.

Finally, a little stroll down

...wait, Demi is now a GILF?

Ho yuss, as a quick look at some 2023-era pics will show:

At 61, very GILFy, my son.

I think we’ve (un)covered enough news for today.


So there you are, trundling along a little Ukrainian road, nothing but the usual soldiers’ thoughts buzzing around in your little Russki head:

…when suddenly, a little RadioShackski drone happens along and spoils your whole day.

Watch the video in the link… it’s impressive.  Ooh, that’s going to leave a mark… and it ain’t gonna buff right out, either.

I love the smell of barbecued Russians in the morning.

For those faint-hearted who think I’m being Krool & Hartless, I have only one thing to say:  they fucking started it.

#Hiroshima #Dresden