Quote Of The Day

From Heather Mac Donald:

So far, however, the most concrete fallout from the January 6 tantrum is not a “dagger at the throat of democracy,” as President Joe Biden put it in a speech from the U.S. Capitol on Thursday. There was no chance that that clownish crew of disorganized, deluded Trump acolytes would reverse the election outcome or permanently halt the vote certification. The real consequence of January 6 is rather the excuse that the riot gives the Left to go after conservative causes and conservative speech, all in the name of fighting an imaginary white-supremacist threat. And to ensure that the pretext remains vital, leaders from Biden on down are peddling distortions and unctuous, newly found patriotism.

Read the whole thing, for one of Heather’s normal, clear-eyed analyses.

Getting Worried

Not me, for a change, but the Modernists certainly are.  Note the panic in this piece:

This time around, the traditionalist lunatics have succeeded in taking over the asylum. Reactionary ideas hostile to the cosmopolitan, to Modernism, to modernity itself, are in the ascendant. Tory placemen (and they are generally men) are being appointed to the boards of cultural institutions such as the British Museum and the BBC. The thoroughly middle-class National Trust is under attack as “woke” for exploring colonialism.

I am so pleased that our ideas so hostile to Modernism and all that Le Corbusierian ugliness are starting to alarm the Left.

I also love the fact that the author of this nonsense reveals his bias and prejudices so clearly, such as referring to respected philosopher Sir Roger Scruton as “tweedy” — tweed being the clothing fabric of the hated upper classes, don’t you know — and saying that we conservatives are the lunatics simply for wanting to keep and maintain our heritage (as opposed to “rebuilding better” every generation or so).  And gawd forbid that more men are becoming influential in the cultural wars…

Note too that this Lefty asshole is a “a member of the Mayor of London’s Diversity in the Public Realm Commission“.  Diversity in the public realm?

Never let it be forgotten that people of his ilk perpetrated crimes against the “public realm” such as the infamous Red Road housing units in Glasgow:

…which were recently demolished, to the relief of everyone including the residents.

A pox on Modernism and all its adherents.

News Roundup

With commentary so acidic, you need an alkali chaser after reading it.

if we pay the Russkis a few grand each for their trouble, can we send them our child molesters too?

never mind that sill old Constit… Consist… you know, the thing.

now that’s a Jan 6 insurrection, Lefties.  Somehow, our guys missed beheadings.

…because a month without booze is like sending a eunuch to an orgy:  a pointless gesture.

well, if they’re all like Elizabeth Warren and AOC, hardly surprising.

and CTRL-F shows no mention of Chinese cities in the article.  Strange

and your company is just the one to sell us that vaccine, right?

those nasty old German Nazis having been so much in favor of an armed citizenry, of course.

And now, for the first time, the 2022 Train Smash Chronicles:

leading to:

getting warmer:

let the Train Smash begin !!!!!!

From the Dept. Of Covidiocy:


And ’tis now time for INSIGNIFICA:

see the above “eunuch at an orgy” comment re: alcohol-free gin.

technically speaking, all ejaculations are premature, as my old friend Patterson used to say.

And speaking of “penis pads”, here’s Reader favorite Rhian Sugden:

No more need be said.

Black & White Beauties

We haven’t done one of these for a while, so from my archives, feast your eyes on some of the lesser-known beauties of yore:

Patricia Morison

Lisa Gay

Corinne Calvet

Ruth Roman

Evelyn Nesbit

Odette Lara

Hildegard Knef

…and the original Bond Girl, Lilian

And just for the heck of it, something a little more daring from Miss Bond:
