Dept. of Righteous Shootings

Here’s the full story, but the executive summary runs as follows:

Shithead with an unknown grievance storms into an Amazon warehouse parking lot and shoots some other guy several times.

Unfortunately for him, this was not Amazon Warehouse (UK) nor even Amazon Warehouse (OR):  no, this was Amazon Warehouse (AZ).

We know this because another Amazon employee happened upon the scene, drew his own gun and shot the Aggrieved One stone dead.

Also good news: the first guy has apparently survived the shooting.

But wait! there’s more:

An Amazon spokesman, Richard Rocha, said the company is working with law enforcement as it investigates the shooting.

He said: “We are deeply saddened by this senseless act of violence in our parking lot.

“We’re working closely with law enforcement as they investigate and are focused on supporting our team during this difficult time.”

The way to “support your team”, Mr. Amazon Spokesman, is NOT TO FIRE Our Hero, who probably saved many lives by his action.

I’ll be watching this closely, because Amazon.

Rats Etc.

Here’s a little bit of news:

New York City has imploded, with crime soaring and homeless people everywhere. Every day brings a new tale of an attack against an innocent person on the city’s street or subway.

To make matters worse, New York City is losing its top taxpayers. According to a study by the city’s Independent Budget Office, the city has lost 10% of taxpayers who earn more than $750,000 and 6% of those who make between $150,000 and $750,000.

The New York Post said many taxpayers are fleeing New York’s sky-high taxes.

And the latest study by the Budget Office only included data up to 2020. There’s no telling how many more have left since the COVID lockdowns that crushed the city.

The exodus is costing New York City billions. The Post reported in June that some 300,000 of the city’s wealthiest residents “earned $21 billion in total income in 2019, according to new data released by the Internal Revenue Service.”

That sum, the paper said, “represents the largest flight of capital from the Big Apple ever recorded.”

Now while I’m sure while that my Readers will share my chuckles of schadenfreude, there’s also the worrying caveat that these rich liberal assholes will infest parts of Free America that, quite frankly, shouldn’t have to put up with their baleful influence on our hitherto-happy, Constitution-loving homeland.

Unless, of course, they just increase the Liberal Asshole Quotient in places like Austin TX or Miami FL.  It’s when they start voting in places like Plano or Boca Raton that the barrels of tar need to be warmed up and the pillows emptied of feathers.

I should point out too that these high-dollar asswipes’ incomes are of little actual value to places like Florida and Texas because unike NYFC, we don’t tax income.  No, their only economic effect (and it’s a dubious one at best) is to drive local real estate prices higher — which helps sellers, of course, but also moves housing out of the reach of local middle-income folks.

Still, I guess anything that hastens NYFC’s slide into the abyss is welcome.

Shit Houses

…is the (bowdlerized) title of this badly-edited video, wherein some mouthy Brit shouts about crap architecture in an annoying whine, but whose script could have been written by me except I would have inserted more swear words.

And there’s a genuinely-terrifying moment at about 3:25 which will make you want to commit murders.

Right after that horror, there’s an annoying advertorial (hey, the guy has to pay the bills somehow), but you can fast-forward a couple-three minutes if you want.

Here’s another example of the kind of thing he’s talking about, and that I hate with a passion.

Never an errant hijacked airliner when you need one.

No Exceptions

Not so much fun when it affects you personally, is it?

Oregon police are worried that if Ballot Measure 114 (BM 114) is allowed to take effect it may limit them to ten-round magazines and force them to get a permit in order to carry their firearms off-duty.

Among other things, BM 114 bans magazines holding more than ten rounds and requires residents to get a permit before being allowed to own a gun.

BM 114 contains an exemption for officers on duty, but there is confusion as to what hoops officers might have jump through in order to be armed and to maintain a standard number of rounds in their firearms when they are off-duty.

As the title of this post suggests:  no fucking exceptions.  Let cops and other government officials have to live under the bullshit laws that affect all citizens.

Even better would be if Oregon cops (of all jurisdictions) just come right out and say flatly that they’re not going to enforce any of this crap.

But they won’t, of course, and some “supplemental” law is going to be passed which carves out an exemption for law enforcement officers and deputies.

You heard it here first.

A Limey In San Antonio

I’ve watched the lanky Jonny Carter on many an occasion, but this, his first trip to the U.S., was all kinds of fun to watch.

For those who don’t know the tall Englishman’s background, Jonny is a first-class shotgunner and a man who not only loves his craft, but knows his guns — and his obvious enjoyment of the Gun Thing makes for lovely entertainment.  (I first talked about him earlier this year.)

He lands in New York (!), and heads to the Beretta store in Manhattan.  (I don’t know why he would, when he’s already toured the factory in Brescia, but clearly the man can’t resist a shotgun.)

Then, after a little fun time with a Garand and M1 Carbine, it’s off to the main event in San Antonio.  Enjoy Part 1, and then the Nationals.  (What I found really interesting was his reaction to American shotgun ammo — way too much recoil for his taste.)

And then he makes the haj to Gordy’s in Houston, where even he’s impressed by the fine shotgun collection.

Watch, and enjoy.  He certainly did.

There’s about four hours of viewing for y’all, just in these links — and there would be far worse ways to spend a morning.

And just for the record, I absolutely hate the way Jonny’s bespoke shotgun looks;  that pistol grip?  Ugh.