Quote Of The Day

After the NRA had its pee-pee whacked by a NY court, the Left and associated useful idiots rejoiced and went hallelujah (or whatever they say when the godless celebrate).  And then this comment appeared:

I’m getting a kick out of the MSM crowing that the back of the gun lobby is finally broken.
Sorry, kids – the NRA hasn’t been a player in a very long time now and the fact that you thought it was just goes to show how fucking ignorant you really are.

Yeah, what he* said.  The NRA is to gun ownership what the Democrat Party is to its anarcho-nihilist wing:  the polite face they want the public to see.  Most gun owners, myself included, see the NRA as a bunch of compromising lobbyists, and our interests are far better represented by Gun Owners of America (GOA) and the Second Amendment Foundation (SAF), to name but two.

Or else we can keep on being that seething, restless bunch of people who take gun ownership as a natural right, and prefer to argue more important issues — like whether the American .45 ACP is better for slaughtering Commies etc. than its limp-wristed Euro counterpart, the 9mm pellet.

I think we all know on which side I belong.

Can’t remember who said it, but if anyone knows, I’ll amend the above.

Not Red, Not Even Herrings

You need to read the report about the “pipe bombs” that were discovered outisde both the DNC and RNC heaquarters buildings in Washington D.C. on Jan 6 2020.  The report exposes either incomparable incompetence by the FBI, or else a degree of indifference about the supposed bombs and their implications, which leads me to suggest the executive summary of the whole business.

There were no bombs, and the FBI knew they weren’t bombs.  The bomb-like devices were a plant to increase the supposed imminence of civil unrest and insurrection and feelings of paranoia and fear among members of Congress and the public on Jan 6.  And the FBI were absolutely complicit in, if not the actual creators of this entire charade.

Now you can read the article, and see if the above summary is refuted by anything therein.

No Right At All

Here’s a story which is guaranteed to get me going, and it’s a topic I’ve discussed before.  Seems as though this Old Phartte popped his clogs at age 91, and decided that because his grandchildren had never bothered to visit him while he was in hospital, that they weren’t worthy of getting any of his loot once he was gone.  So instead of cutting them out of his will, he left them each only a few bucks.

Needless to say, the grandchildren sued the estate, claiming that they were “entitled” to a third, rather than the 0.0001% thereof specified in his will.

Where do these people get the idea that they should be entitled to anything?  FFS, his estate, lest we all forget, is his own property — something that people (and governments, a rant for another time) seem to forget.

So if Grandpappy wants to leave his dough to Someone Not His Foul Grandchildren because they ignored him while he was alive, he’s perfectly within his rights to do so — just as if he were to give a birthday present to one person and not another.

This business of heredity “entitling” someone something is all well and good when it is, ahem, an actual title (e.g. royalty / nobility), but in the cold hard world of law and finance, descendants are entitled to nothing, if the owner of said estate says so.

Anyway, this group of ingrates lost their case, and a damn good thing it is too.  And for the record, they’re as ugly as they are greedy.

Random Totty

Apparently there exists one of those Internet-famous things named Naomi Brockwell, of whom I know nothing because I don’t even dip my toes into those waters, let alone swim in them.  Still, having discovered her, I think she’s worth a look, for obvious reasons:

Apparently, she made John Stossel look like an idiot when she discovered that his smartphone was basically a conduit for scam artists or something.  And now you know as much about her as I do.

Quite toothsome, however.

News Roundup

And speaking of anxiety, here’s THE LATEST THING TO WORRY ABOUT!!!!

...all the above on a single page at the Daily Mail.

...stupid fools.  We Murkins have been living on UPFs for decades, and we’re doing fine.

Go peddle your Chicken Little bullshit somewhere else.  We’ve got some Oreos and Twinkies to eat.

From the Dept. of Education:

...when even the Third World thinks it’s all a pile of shit...

From the Police Files:

...just to be pedantic for a moment:  15-year-olds who gang-rape are not “boys” and shouldn’t be tried — or sentenced — as such.

And let’s talk about another hardened criminal:

...only in Yurp could this be a big deal.  72 guns, although quite an impressive number, is hardly anything to write home about, and as for 3,000 rounds… that’s about what Doc Russia, Combat Controller and I take to the range for a day’s shooting.  Oh, and Alain Delon is nearly 90 and senile.  What are they going to do:  put him in jail for (ahem) life?

Oh, just for fun, some more Global Warming Climate Cooling Change©:

...of course they would.  Self-sufficiency is subversive, didn’t you know?

In Glueball Jewhate News:

...another blow struck for the Eternal Caliphate.  Now let’s turn him into a martyr for Allah, the sooner the better.

Again, from the Great Cultural Assimilation Project:

...and the Chamber of Commerce gets a collective woody at the thought of all that cheap labor.

...actually, it is.  At some point, they’re going to be casting illegal votes (crime), killing and/or raping women and children (crime) and committing acts of terrorism (crime).  So what IS the fucking issue, then?

...not quite as tough as the Texas law, but it’s a start.  Let’s see if it clears their Senate and Governor’s desk, though.  Then again, there’s you-know-who:

...given the cost of housing on the Left Coast, they won’t be able to make the payments anyway.

And we’re off to the races:

...let’s put on a play about, say, the Franco-Prussian war, and make admission Whites-only.  See what happens.

And speaking of res 


...[rising to a point of order] actually, Monica looks sensational in black anything.  Still, let me not influence any opinions here — judge for yourselves:

And on that disturbing note we come, so to speak, to the end of the news.

Shootin’ Time

Try this little bit of fuckery on for size:

“I came out at the end of a funeral service. I saw the traffic warden there, and he got his little pad out to start ticketing us, and I said ‘you’ve got to be joking’. I said ‘we’re only going to be 10-15 minutes more, can you just go for a walk round the block?’ He said ‘no’. I said, ‘have a bit of compassion, this is a funeral.’ And he started remonstrating with me.”

And then when someone, overcome with grief, snaps and starts killing these pathetic little officials, it’s the gun’s fault.