Quote Of The Day

The Trump presidency, encapsulated:

“The economy was humming, and even after the elite’s Chi Com comrades inflicted the pangolin pandemic on us, we were coming back. We were energy independent. The border was getting secure. Taxes got cut. Soleimani was a cinder and ISIS was a skid mark. We had no new wars, and the one in Afghanistan was set to end without a live production of Miss Saigon II: We Don’t Need No Stinkin’ Airbases.”– Kurt Schlicter

Also:  there were no concentration camps filled with homosexuals and trannies, no right-wing death squads kicking down leftists’ doors, no bans on abortion and in general, none of the doubleplusungood things that the media socialists warned us would be the consequences of a Trump presidency.

Quote Of The Day

“Fascism is the organized attempt to introduce socialist planning with the consent of big business.” – Edward Conze (1934)

So, on the Fascist scale of 0 (September 17, 1787) to 10 (Nazi Germany, 1940), where do you think we stand today?

I’d put us at 7, maybe 8.

Quote Of The Day

From Rep. Dan Crenshaw of Texas:

“The only proper response from America to these
dirty savage terrorists should be:
Go fuck yourself.”

…to be followed by daisycutters and MOABs.

Quote Of The Day

Glenn Reynolds:

“Why do the lefty media always have to puff people up into bogus heroes?”

Answer:  because otherwise, their only heroes are murdering bastards like Stalin, Mao, Guevara, Lenin, Trotsky, Castro, Chile’s Allende and Venezuela’s Chavez (just off the top of my head;  there are LOTS more).

Quote Of The Day

Brit teenagers have just learned the final grades of their A-level studies (no exams because WuFlu), which are important because it helps determine much of their future prospects of getting a decent job, placement at universities (except as in the post below) and so on.

And then you have Clarkson’s take:

(The “U” basically says, “He did the exam”.)

He left out one detail, however:

The man is a national treasure.

Quote Of The Day

From some medical bloke:

“You can still get COVID, potentially [after having been vaccinated]. But if you do get it, it’s not severe at all.”

As it happens, I was just chatting with Mr. Free Market yesterday, and he informed me that he’d been diagnosed with the Delta-‘Rona.

When I asked him what it was like, the answer was:  “Rugby club hangover.  Piece of cake.”  (Translation:  you feel like utter crap for about twenty four hours, then much better on day two, and by day three you’re back to swilling Ginger Macs, just with a bit of a cough — which is where he was when I spoke to him.)

In other words:  it’s like a bronchial flu.

Carry on.