Helping The Fibbies

It wouldn’t surprise me, after over two decades of expressing the opinions that I hold, that I appear on one or more FBI lists of “potential” domestic terrorists.

On the other hand, they’ve also been proven to be utterly fucking incompetent.  So to help matters along, and in view of their criteria for the above, allow me to post the following:

5 U.S. Code § 3331 – Oath of office

An individual, except the President, elected or appointed to an office of honor or profit in the civil service or uniformed services, shall take the following oath: “I, ___ , do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So help me God.” This section does not affect other oaths required by law.


At Ruby Ridge, Vicki Weaver was murdered by Lon Horiuchi, a federal agent.

Why I Own A Gun

Then there are my posts about guns… but really, just follow this link to get an idea — although this post in particular is quite representative.

And when it comes to gun pics… oh hell, let me offer up just one example:

Finally, for any FBI stalker:



I trust that all this will help.

For the FIBBIES:  I am not a domestic terrorist.  The only way I’d ever become one is if you were to turn me into one.

As J.D. Tucille once wrote:

“If cops continue to play at being an army of occupation, they should expect the subjects to play their role in return. Vive la résistance.”


Damn Good Question

I know that the Socialists in Congress have “shelved” their attempt to ban “weapons of war” i.e. ARs and AKs (for the moment), but this little exchange should prove interesting:

As Massie puts it (I paraphrase slightly):  “Who are the Department of Agriculture and Department of Education planning on going to war with, if their employees are to be excepted from this prohibition?”

Let us record the words of the late (and dearly-missed) H.L. Mencken, who stated:

“The only good bureaucrat is one with a pistol to his head.  Put it in his hand and it’s goodbye to the Bill of Rights.”

And quod erat demonstratum, today.

Big Bruvva’s Watching, Mate

In East Germany  Australia, the Stasi  Gummint is stepping up their efforts to spy on its slaves  citizens:

The next generation of speed cameras being rolled out in Western Australia don’t only catch lead foots but also snap drivers using mobile phones or not wearing seat belts.

In a $1.5million three-month trial, the first mobile point-to-point road safety cameras in Australia will be deployed in and around Perth.

Six cameras, which work in pairs, will measure the average speeds of drivers over a distance, which means those who only slow down when they spot a camera are more likely to be caught.

This is why the OzGov has been so keen to disarm their populace — those fucking intrusive cameras make awfully tempting targets.

I especially like this one:

However, during the pilot the cameras will not be directly used to issue infringements as laws would need to be passed to allow this.

But (and you knew this was coming):

For now they will be tested for their suitability but police can use the data to determine where certain offences are happening.

West Australia’s Strassensicherheidtsgauleiter  Road Safety Minister Paul Papalia said images showing particularly dangerous behaviour would be passed onto police to investigate.

Someone explain the difference to me between:

“directly used to issue infringements”
“passed onto police to investigate”

From the perspective of the end user (which end of the user needs no explanation) there’s NO difference.

Bastards.  Still another reason to avoid the poxy place

Dumb Shits

Yeah, that’s right:  you fire a whole bunch of qualified workers because of some (unjustified) panic, and now you (unexpectedly!) have a skills shortage:

How much of this labor shortage is a direct result of Biden’s vaccine mandates and the airline industry’s reliance on the federal government to stay in business during the pandemic is not certain.  What is certain is that government mandated firing of pilots, crew and ground personnel over their vaccination status contributed to the chaos we are witnessing.
What we do know is that according to a report by Cowen and Company, airline pilot retirements are projected to accelerate through the mid-2020’s with 24.7 percent of pilots subjected to mandatory retirements between 2022 and 2026.  These 13,000 forced retirements are up about 70 percent from the previous five years as baby boomers age out of the cockpit.

Self-created problems do not engender sympathy.


Many of us greeted with dismay the action of President Braindead to release oil from our strategic reserve, supposedly in order to reduce the price thereof.

Well yes, and now this:

Americans received a nasty surprise when they learned today that much of the oil released from the nation’s Strategic Petroleum Reserve has been exported rather than refined domestically in the U.S. to lower the cost of gasoline at the pump.

President Joe Biden’s ongoing million barrel a day release of oil from nation’s oil reserve has depleted it to levels not seen since 1968.  All at a time when the Biden administration has engaged in wholesale war against domestic energy producers under the guise of forcing energy transformation on America.

You might ask who is getting our oil that is being drained from what effectively is our military’s national security oil savings bank

Reuters reports that China is one of the June recipients of the formerly strategic oil.

How nice.


Peter Hitchens (the lesser of the two Hitchens brothers, but still better than 90% of his peers) writes a conclusion to this article:

There is no longer any point in pretending that they have not failed. And when institutions fail, the best thing to do is to replace them from top to bottom. That would be a truly special measure.

Most of what he writes is specific to the Britfuzz, of course, but certainly his sentiment and exasperation must also apply to… oh, let’s just start with the FBI, who were once a proud and effective crime-fighting organization, but who have allowed themselves over the past four or five decades to become so politicized as to be pretty much the secret police for the political elite.

Was I the only one who started oiling the rope when the Justice Department (don’t get me started on them) ordered the Fibbies to investigate and treat concerned parents as domestic terrorists?

Who pursue high-profile “wrongdoers” (step forward, Martha Stewart) but let real scumbags (Jeffrey Epstein, the Clintons, etc.) just skate away scot-free?

Or when that slimy little lizard James Comey, who after “investigating” Hillary Clinton’s private email account — which as a point of fact was completely illegal, given her position as SecState — declared to Congress that his conclusion was that her actions were not worthy of prosecution.

And I’m pretty sure that most thinking people in this country have their own example of egregious behavior (or rather misbehavior) on the part of the FBI, which alone should make a companion of Hitchens’s suggestion of complete abolition thereof a realistic, and reasonable demand.

Seriously:  how much worse off would we be without them than we are now?