My Kinda Gal

…actually, Bob Marley’s granddaughter, who was getting yelled at because she wore a t-shirt with “White Lives Matter” printed on it, which of course upset the Usual Suspects.  They climbed onto Twatter and sent off many broadsides calling her the usual names.

Here’s her response:

Good for you, sweetheart.  Everyone should respond in the same way to the Snowflake / Wokist / BLM / Permanently-Aggrieved when they start the Cancellation Derby.

Florida vs. Davos

Here’s FuturePOTUS Ron DeSantis, talking about how conservative states rule, and the best way to bear the Internationalists.

I think the difference between then and now is, government is bigger and more powerful. But these agencies, particularly in law enforcement and national security, have been weaponized, so that they really represent the enforcement arm of one particular faction of society against the rest of us. And you do not have equal zeal with which they wield their power. People talk about the deep state like it’s some conspiracy. It’s not a conspiracy. What we have right now is the logical result of having an absence of constitutional accountability in the administrative state. And basically what human nature will do, of course, power is going to accumulate there. The founding fathers would have told us this if we had told them what was going on. So that’s the logical outgrowth of Congress abdicating its responsibility to hold the bureaucracy accountable for decades. It’s a logical result of Congress empowering the bureaucracy and letting them do a lot of the heavy legislating. And so that’s what we have. It’s not anything that really should surprise anybody.

All good stuff, and more besides.

Living Without The Past

Much of what ails us today is a refusal to learn from the lessons of the past.  It’s called “presentism” (an actual word, not a manufactured one), and Edward Ring describes how it affects just about every aspect of our polity and society.  An excerpt:

The climate emergency, along with the inequity of white privilege, are existential threats to humanity, and therefore both require a “reset” to put things right.

To make it almost impossible for Americans to unite and stop the destruction of their way of life, in case the sacred and urgent consensus regarding climate and equity isn’t enough, Americans are also trained to hate each other. And that trope, repeated endlessly and everywhere in myriad iterations, goes like this: If you are a member of the heteropatriarchy, you are an oppressor. If you’re not, you’re a victim.

Of course, the entire narrative must be questioned because it’s all a pack of lies.

Which it is.  Read the whole thing;  it’s excellent.

Pinochet Wins Again

I loved visiting Chile back in 2015.  The country was lovely, the people were friendly, and the food was not only fantastic but cheap.

The problem is that in Chile, the ghosts of Augusto Pinochet and Salvador Allende are still a presence in the country — the former in country-club toasts like “To General Pinochet:  the savior of Chile”, and the latter in the elections such as the last one, which installed a Marxist government.

Speaking of the Marxists, they wasted no time in drawing up a new (Communist) constitution for Chile, which they put up to the vote last week.

Seems as though the Chileans figured it all out, though, because they voted down the proposed constitution, 62%-38%.

Predictably, the Left had promoted the new constitution with rallies in their usual manner, such as this one:

One particularly alienating performance occurred in the city of Valparaiso just a week before the vote at an event in favor of the new constitution when “a drag queen had the national flag pulled out of his rectum while his bandmates encouraged the audience to ‘abort Chile,’” according to the Economist, resulting in widespread outrage.

Valparaiso, lest we forget, is the birthplace of Augusto Pinochet, where women place fresh flowers reverently outside his old house every day.  This is not the place for the Left to let their freak flag fly, as fellow-Lefty David Crosby once crooned;  but they did, and then wondered why the people told them to jump off a building.

I bet a lot of Chileans would support Lefties jumping from helicopters far out at sea, too.

Like I said, Pinochet’s ghost is never far away.

Update: the Communist Party (U.S. Division) are dismayed at all that democracy.

Sharing The Goodness

TexGov Greg Abbott continues to do good work:

“President Biden’s inaction at our southern border continues putting the lives of Texans—and Americans—at risk and is overwhelming our communities,” said Governor Abbott. “To continue providing much-needed relief to our small, overrun border towns, Chicago will join fellow sanctuary cities Washington, D.C. and New York City as an additional drop-off location. Mayor Lightfoot loves to tout the responsibility of her city to welcome all regardless of legal status, and I look forward to seeing this responsibility in action as these migrants receive resources from a sanctuary city with the capacity to serve them.” 

Many Texans (me too, sometimes) think that Abbott is a bit of a squish, but in this regard, he’s a stone killer.  Keep it going, Guv.