Religious Twofer

This is one of those years when I get to wish my Christian and Jewish Readers well over their respective holidays, in a single post.

Happy Easter and Chag Pesach Sameach to you all, from this most tolerant atheist.

May you all see many, many more.

Back Home

…at Free Market Towers, where little has changed, of course. There may be a new servant or two, but I haven’t seen them yet — no doubt, I’ll make their acquaintance at the next flogging.

Speaking of which, a friend sent me a genuine hippo-hide sjambok as a present, which of course I’m going to pass on to the Free Markets.

The servants are not going to enjoy this…

Warning Bells

The Intarwebz connection Over Here has become somewhat unsteady again. Two posts have already been swallowed and sent to the Black Cave of British (so-called) Telecom. Please bear with me while I… never mind, these pricks have no sense of humor when it comes to murmurs of discontent.

And now, if you’ll excuse me, I’m off to practice doing something.

Update: Looks like I may have to errrr untie the ropes. The problem may have been on my end, as I discovered earlier today when my laptop bricked on me. Dead battery, requiring trip to Battery price:

  • In the U.S.(delivered next day): $70
  • Over Here (7-10-day delivery, no other option): $106.

(Rant to follow.)

In the meantime, my apologies to the families of the BT workers dangling from the tree in the backyard. My bad.

Why I Hate Change, Reason #1,758

Alert Readers will have noticed the disappearance of the Comments link at the end of each post. This is because I, in an uncommon fit of modernization, clicked on the “Update Your Template” link from TurdPress, and the results are as you have seen.


Should you wish to comment, you now have to click on the post / article heading, which will take you to that post’s page, wherein you will find the comments.

Sincere apologies, but [10,000-word rant against change deleted]

To make everyone feel better, here’s a picture of a place I intend to visit this afternoon, in the Old Town part of Salisbury:

If that doesn’t improve my mood, nothing will. Of course, if the weather becomes more shitty than it already is — not an unknown event in These Yerrre Parrrts (and it’s already teeming outside) — then Mr. FM and I will just stay at home and attack a case of whisky.

Back In The Saddle

Okay, we now have a new Internet connection installed here at Free Market Towers. I was warned not to thrash the British Telecom technicians who arrived to install it, which took some of the fun out of the whole thing. So I yelled at the oaf who does the laundry for screwing up one of my shirts, which made me feel much better*.

Anyway, apart from occasionally dropping the signal, all seems to be well with this latest magical apparatus; so now it remains simply to wade through a hundred or so emails that I couldn’t see before, and get in touch with friends and family to reassure them that I am still alive. Apparently, Daughter got a new puppy…

And there are some catch-up posts below, which I’d lined up in the queue whilst incommunicado. Enjoy.

By the way, I was told that I’m starting to sound more British — not the accent, just in my choice of words and the manner of speech.

Well, pip-pip till tomorrow.

*I do my own laundry here.