Let Them Die

You know what I’m getting sick of?  All these Press reports of some new illegal (or even legal) street drug which fucks up the (ab)user horribly.

It started with PCP (a horse tranquilizer), continued with crack cocaine, and now we have the flesh-eating drug (xylazine*) and “monkey dust” (to name but some), all of which have dire consequences for the user — which would be fine by me, except that people who take this shit don’t kill themselves with the first dose, alas, but instead go berserk and screw up other people’s innocent lives, like this prime specimen did.

I’m not interested in seeing newspaper pictures of people in Seattle or San Francisco or Manchester or London lying in the streets, bodies contorted by the effects of this new plague-drug as their systems slip into dementia or decay.

Not fucking interested.  Let them all die, because it’s clear that they want to.  Just throw more and more of their drugs of choice at them, and let them carry on.  No hospital services, no medical care of any kind other than the drugs.

Yeah, it’s Krool & Hartless, and people are going to start wailing and moaning.  But at some point, decent citizens have to say “Enough is enough” and refuse to enable this human waste matter to pollute our streets and neighborhoods.

Let them go.

* Xylazine adds multiple layers of complexity to an already treacherous drug crisis. Xylazine is a depressant. It slows a person’s breathing and heart rate, and lowers their blood pressure. An overdose can put them into a coma-like state, leaving them frozen and vulnerable for hours on the street.
Xylazine has an especially devastating side effect: gruesome wounds that don’t heal. The exact reason for this still isn’t understood, but scientists suspect xylazine could be affecting blood circulation in a way that affects skin repair. That means that for someone using xylazine, something as small as a pimple or a needle puncture could turn into large sores of dying flesh, in some cases eating through to the bone.

Remember:  nobody’s forcing this shit into people’s bodies — they’re doing it all by themselves.  Fuck ’em.

True Dat

From the comments to yesterday’s post (about assholes who need a good beating) come these wise words from Reader GMC70 (who is a fine man, despite being a lawyer):

“I’ve thought for a while there should be a ‘he had it coming’ defense.”

In one of John Sandford’s Prey novels, there’s a situation where a well-known major-league scumbag has been arrested, tried, found guilty (after unimpeachable evidence) and imprisoned for the murder of an equally well-known (but minor-league) scumbag.

To everyone’s surprise, a few months later the dead guy is seen, very much alive, at an upscale cocktail party.  Like all Sanford’s scenarios,the plot is quite complicated, but the question then becomes when to let the prosecuting district attorney (whom everyone hates) know about the murder victim who wasn’t.

One of the better lines is when someone asks what to do about the convicted scumbag, and the priceless response is:  “Leave him where he is.  You know he’s killed somebody before.”

I can’t help but think that this is not an uncommon situation in criminality — where the bad guy may not be guilty of this specific crime, but that’s not to say he hasn’t committed others.

As a hitman once explained:  “These guys I’ve whacked?  Most of them are seriously evil.  After all, nobody takes out a contract on a nun.”


No, not the TV show (although it’s a brilliant one).  I’m talking here about the  old (and untrue) “Texas defense to murder” known as “he needed killing”.

Now I’m also not talking about scumbags I’d like to see dangling at the end of a rope (George Soros, the Clintons, Fatboi Pritzker etc.).

No, I’m talking about your common-or-garden type of asshole such as this dirtbag:

Click on the link above, and feel free to explain to me why someone like this deserves to share the air with us.

You see, in the old days scumbags like this would be handled by brothers, uncles, cousins and so on, who would take this little bully to one side, and after inflicting considerable pain upon him, would caution him against any further kind of aggro against their girl.  And usually, this would be sufficient to end the situation.  But nowadays, of course, these good-hearted protectors would be in trouble, with all the Usual Suspects telling them to let the police / justice system take care of the problem.

Which more often than not leads to this kind of outcome:

A thug jumped for joy as he avoided a prison sentence for shaving his girlfriend’s head and vandalising her home and car during a jealous rage.

Owen James Tysoe, 32, ‘lost his temper’ and screamed ‘you’re a wh**e, you don’t deserve to live’ at his partner of three years on January 29 earlier this year.

The unnamed woman woke up at 7am to find him standing over her, before he started shaving chunks out of her hair.

Of course, it was all “justified”:

Nathalie Carter, representing Tysoe, had earlier said in mitigation that the event was ‘very out-of-character’ and he had ‘lost his very good job as a result’.

The barrister added: ‘Because he was incarcerated they couldn’t hold out that long for him.’ 

She said the incident caused Tysoe to lose his job, where he is said to have been in charge of more than 400 people. 

Ms Carter continued: ‘He knew the man she was having an affair with. They flaunted it in his face while his father was dying.’

Regardless of provocation, this kind of bullshit needs to be stopped — by the Brothers and Cousins Brigade, preferably.  Assuming that all her actions were as represented, all he had to do was leave the woman, but he didn’t.  Instead, he went all 7-year-old on her.

And in a just world, he would receive a sound thrashing instead of what he got at the hands of the court.


Street Justice

Of course, when some dangerous asshole tries doing dangerous stuff in public and promptly gets taken down, who else would step up but Mr. Race Hustler himself?

Sharpton: Failure to charge Marine in chokehold death of Jordan Neely will encourage vigilantes

One can only hope.

And no, I don’t care that the asshole was Black, and the hero White.  Asshole is asshole and hero is hero;  had the roles been reversed, I’d be saying exactly the same.

Also:  Semper fi, Marine.

Caught But Not Shot

Seems as though that murderous Mexican illegal immigrant (discussed here) has been caught, but sadly, made no attempt to resist arrest and thus escaped being righteously shot to death.

Request to the trial judge:  please move him to the head of the Needle Line.  It’s even a Texas law — if you murdered someone and it was witnessed by others (as this one was), he can be placed as the very next candidate for execution.

Of course, the MexGov is going to piss and moan about this as they always do when we whack one of their citizens for being an asshole, but fuck ’em.

Protecting Kids

Well now, this is interesting:

Law enforcement officials with the Fort Worth Police Department shut down Antifa agitators over the weekend who counter-protested a small group of demonstrators from “Protect Texas Kids” who were protesting a drag show event.

One would think:  why?  Surely, if someone protests, and another counter-protests, then both are protected?

Well yes, except that this was Pantifa, and their “counter-protest” was anything but peaceful:

During the event, “officers observed a member of the counter-protest group, later identified as 20-year-old Samuel Fowlkes, approach the ‘Protect Texas Kids’ protesters and spray them with pepper spray.” 

And, even better, there’s video of all of it.  Note the paramilitary outfits of the Pantifas, complete with guns.

The FWPD are to be commended for not shooting these little fascist assholes dead.