News Roundup

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Let’s get a-licking:

...why am I not surprised?  Had we shot them all on sight as soon as they crossed the river, we wouldn’t have had this problem. far as I know, the little Swedish tart doesn’t head up a violent terrorist organization, but there’s always time. Which makes the next headline unsurprising:

tiresome little media whores, all three of them.

...trying to control the spread of a disease you created has nothing to do with race, you foul Commie assholes.

...and I also seduced more than a few teenyboppers, until about age 20.  It was the Seventies, FFS, and to quote Jimmy Page:  “Everyone knew why they were there.

“We’re sorry to tell you that you have inoperable cancer.  Whoops, our bad;  we meant ‘Merry Christmas’.”

...lemme guess the nationality / race / religion of the students… nah, too easy.

...Sarah, that is an excellent question.  Next excellent question:  where did I put my rope and homemade scaffold?

...finally, a little national common sense Best thing they’ve done since inventing the K11/31 rifle and the SIG P-210.

...of course he is, so hold onto your drinks, ladies.

And speaking of bad smells: opposed to peonies, mountain air and warm apple pie?

...unless you have a strong stomach, do not follow that link.

And from INSIGNIFICA:’s said swimsuit:

…her NYE party frock:

...along with her Little Black Dress:

It’s a new year.  Get back to your regular job:


I was going to write a jokey post about the “10 Worst Things That Happened To Us In 2022” or something, when I realized that there was no way I was going to keep it to only ten — cf. Insty: “You’re going to need a bigger blog” — and quite honestly, I can’t find anything funny about any of them.

Nevertheless, I’ll turn it into a joke, because if I get serious, I’m going to head for a tall building in D.C. with a scoped rifle and a case of ammo.  You all know what I mean.

So here’s some of the ridiculous shit that happened this past year (no links):


the way I feel about Washington DC right now, I have mixed feelings about this.


although it may make the folks at the bank a trifle nervous when you go in to make a deposit.


even worse is that he complained that “she just lay there”.


silly Catholics, mistaking “Holy fuck!” for an activity, rather than an expression.

vagina museum?



key word:  “Scotland”Still would like to have been there, though:  sounds like a decent party.

which might explain Dennis Rodman, amongst others.

I think we’ve all had orgasms like that at least once before.

Method Acting at its finest.



the competition to see how many tampons someone can fit into their mouth will begin in 3…2…1…

more likely it’ll end breakfast through mass vomiting at the table.


throw in the West Coast with another two, and you’ve got a dealBonus if you trigger the Big One.


I got nothing;  absolutely nothing.

only the French could surrender after telling the truth.

COPS have released the mugshots of more than 30 alleged Patriot Front members who were arrested at a Pride event
now let’s play “Spot The FBI Provocateurs”.  I figure about eight, but I’m probably undercounting.

1, 3, 4, 8, 11, 17, 27 and 30.

just add money.  Guaranteed results.


sheesh, I didn’t even know that Blacks went on cruises.

yep, and OFF! is now a weapon of mass destruction.  JHC.


sure, like I’m the only one here thinking about getting some of that “cultural appropriation”.

and you’re not full of shit;  you’re excrementally crammed, you Commie bitch.


nom nom nom BBQ !  (translated from the original Bear).

leading to the inevitable:  “YOU HAD ONE JOB.”

hey, Numb-Nuts:  “Kill It With Fire!” is what’s known as “hyperbole”.

big deal; pretty much everyone at the FBI could be busted for that.

oh please:  Ukraine is more desirable than New York or California.


more to the point, we don’t need any of you assholes.  As you may soon find out.

but hanging and the firing squad are too Krool & Hartless.


of course it isn’t.  Only Whites can be guilty of hate speech.

was she trying to stop the cops from arresting her boyfriend for murder?  Yes.  Did she deserve to get punched in the face?  Also yes.


she should have bought a lottery ticket instead of hosting a double-header.

Russians not being known for their ability to swim whilst tied to an anvil.

ignore Mommy’s screams, Jimmy — she really likes it when I put it in there.

...reading to be followed soon by practical instruction, no doubt.  Fucking groomers, shoot them all.


...whatever he says, it had better be good considering all the fine poontang I’ve given him and all the life decisions I’ve entrusted him with over the years.

...and if you didn’t chortle at that headline, we can’t be friends.

I think I first saw this headline in 1968.

...or to put it another way: we’re gonna go down bonking.

...but paying for it might.

...what were they supposed to do with it?  Give it a state funeral?

...but remember: the injured have access to free healthcare.

...duh she’s not supporting Andrew, she’s reminding everyone that she knows who all the players are.


...are you fucking joking?

.lemme tell ya, that placenta stuff is a cast-iron bitch to get off upholstery.


...gotta say that this has not been my experience;  although twenty does seem to be overreaching a little.

...a little too late to help John McEnroe, but oh well.

...I’m not a military expert, but I’m pretty sure that barbed wire is not much of a defense against missiles. I the only one wishing that this headline was literally true?

And finally, December:

...yeah, how dare she interfere in her own child’s education? [/teachers’ union] had me at “French surrender”. fuck strangers for money, on camera:  what’s to misconceive?

...hey, if Russia was my next-door neighbor, I’d probably do the same.

...and if you know what a “vibrating horned penis ring” is, go and stand in the corner I had to look it up, and good grief, that’s nasty.

...I’m not sure anyone could write a more African scenario than this.

...should have welcomed him with a fucking bayonet.

...and neither are the (vast) silent majority of car owners.

And that, as they say, is the news for 2022.  Quite frankly, I’m surprised we made it all the way through.

So to cheer everyone up, here are a few recent pics of Kelly Brook:

…and one from her not-so-distant past:

Good, wholesome stuff to look at, unlike the news headlines of today.

News Roundup

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And speaking of asses:

...oh STFU.   Just. Shut. The. Fuck. Up Anyone who still buys into this shit deserves nothing but scorn and abuse.

...try something like this, dickhead:

only 2?  We must try harder.  Two miles per hour sounds about right.  And then, the land mines.

...I think that was a rotten reward just for showing her my devotion.


...and when you radical Muslims wonder why everyone else in the world hates you, feel free to add reasons like the above, you assholes.

...Texas homeschooling parents:  “And?”

...”Oh yes, baby, give it to me hard!” was not the kind of baby talk he was expecting.  Also, speaking of electronic snooping devices:

...wouldn’t have thought you’d need an expert to tell you that, but then again, kids nowadays are eating Tide pods and investing in FTX, so...

...only the wrong people would have a problem with this. if only they’d had a gun handy… oh wait, I missed the “Australia” part.  Never mind.

...just another one of my Longtime Readers (sigh).

...yeah:  “Russian” and “deadly virus” in the same sentence?  This will not end well.

...because you did, you stupid twat.

...more like this, please.



  …but let’s move on.

...annnnd here’s the sinful garment:

Every normal red-blooded man would.

News Roundup

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So speaking of cash:

...which, to my mind, is a thing we should be celebrating, not deploring.

...unless this plan involves mines, barbed wire and machine-gun towers, it’ll fail like all the others and I’m not interested.

...also, unless they’ve been issued with live ammunition, I don’t care. much as the Church tries to suppress human nature, it finds a way.  None of this would happen if Catholic priests were allowed to marry.

...given the quality of women in the dating pool nowadays, it’s a losing cause, Bubba.

...gun controllers lie.  In other news, Custer having problems in Wyoming.

...and neither are the (vast) silent majority of car owners.

...never mind a new trial, this murderous little fuck should long ago have shared space on the gallows with OJ Simpson.

...key word:  France.

...nor should he, just for saying what millions of people also think.

...Chinese sportsmen corrupted by gambling interests… see Custer news, above.

...South Africa wins again.  Kill it with fire.

From the Women’s Section in INSIGNIFICA:



And getting back to our regular Paige Three section:

And a couple others:

Can we have Too Much Paige?  I don’t think so.

And that’s it for the post-Christmas car.

News Roundup

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And why not?

...I guess he just got sick of being bossed around by a bunch of bossy Karens.  Amazingly, this was in Canada.

...yeah, fuck your “holidays” bullshit, it’s Christmas, y’all.  Sheesh, I’m an atheist and I appreciate the Christmas spirit.

From the Sounds About Right Department:

...there should also be clubbing and flailing, but I’ll take what I can get.

A sad note:

...the more guns become commonplace, the more people are just going to forget they’re carrying them.  Be smart, people.

...I hate the sound of all that J&B glugging down the drain, but oh well… I guess it’s single malt or Famous Grouse from now on.

...and all Argentina rejoices.   Ummmmm maybe a little too heartily:

...fool kid obviously never heard of Isadora Duncan before.

And from the Dept. of Global Freezing Climate Warming Change: shit?  And I may end up in bed with Nigella Lawson.  (Neither is going to happen in my lifetime, in other words.)

...climate change is causing the magnetic poles to move?  Like what happened thousands of years ago, before SUVs?

...remind me:  wasn’t this the same supercomputer that said that sea levels would rise by 50 feet in 2015?

Moving away from stupidity to common sense:

...I can live without Cuba Libres, so I’m cool with this.  I just hope he bans children as well.  Serious drinking is no place for kiddies.

And the INSIGNIFICA sez:


    ...oh FFS.

...I had no idea that “wows” now means “causes mass projectile vomiting”.  (Warning: link contains pics.)

Something slightly more pleasant to look at, as we conclude our study of women:

...a much better filling for a “plunging navy swimsuit”, I think.

And that’s all the pre-Christmas news for now.

News Roundup

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And in we dive:

...every single one of these people — CDC and the gun controllers — need daily scourgings, for a full year.  Let’s not even talk about the fact that gun violence isn’t a “disease”.

...way I see it, anyone who eats this disgusting shit deserves everything that happens to them.

Director James Cameron said in a recent interview that his upcoming movie is the most empowering movie for women because one of the characters is a pregnant warrior
...anyone seen the movie Fargo (1996)?

...clearly, we’ve run out of military heroes to use as ships’ names.  Still, it could have been worse, e.g. USS Buttigieg.

...take it in the ass, fuckwits, just like border towns have had to.

In the Sounds About Right Dept.: long as Dad has the fortitude to keep it going, that is. they still have public beheadings in Lebanon?  Asking for a friend.

From our International News Desk:

...what they can’t control, they want to ban.  Same as Leftists everywhere.

...the actual headline is even more ridiculous than this one.





...I wouldn’t have used the word “incredible”, unless as originally meant, “defies belief”.