Quote Of The Day

From Theodore Dalrymple:

“There is often more heroism in a life of quiet decency than in one of flamboyant deeds;  but our minds are like those of bower birds, attracted to the bright, shiny, meretricious, and sensational.”

I wish I could write like that.  The thought isn’t even central to Dalrymple’s essay;  it just sits there, like a beautiful flower at the side of a busy interstate.


Monday Funnies

Well, what else did you expect?

So let’s wade into the chum-infested waters…

I was going to feature some hot liberal women, but I couldn’t find any.  So you’ll just have to do with these conservative chicks:

I’m not sure about the last two, but what the hell, it’s Monday.

Off to work.  That’s what I’m going to do.

Classic Beauty: Ingrid Bergman

What more can I say about Ingrid Bergman that hasn’t been said already?  Nothing, is what.  So just enjoy the view, but be aware there will be a quiz at the end.

Okay, here’s the quiz.

Imagine that you’re Rick Blaine, and Ingrid Bergman is looking at you like this:

Do you:

  1. shoot her Commie husband dead, get on the plane with her and go live in Portugal and make babies together;
  2. force her Commie husband onto the plane at gunpoint, then take her back to Rick’s Café and live out the war getting rich and making babies;
  3. choose some other scenario that I haven’t thought of, but still includes making babies with Ingrid Bergman;  or
  4. do anything else except what Rick actually did.

Unfair Advantage

When your mother is the exquisite Ingrid Bergman, the odds are that the genetic result is going to be spectacular — and so it has been, with daughter Isabella:

But unlike her mother, who was trapped in a black-and-white world, Isabella has flourished in color:

And when your mother is Isabella Rossellini, you’re not going to be too far off that standard, i.e. daughter Elettra:

And yes, tomorrow’s Classic Beauty post will be about Elettra’s Gammy.