Another Truism

“That which government cannot force you to do because of Constitutional- or legal prohibition, it will force your employer to do on their behalf.”

Such as with the execrable “voluntary” wellness programs (whatever the fuck that means).  Thank goodness I don’t work for Global MegaCorp Inc. anymore, or else I’d burn out the pic below (which I’d be constantly sending in response to their latest poxy diktat ):


  1. …don’t even get me started…!!!
    21 years at current employer.
    Have consistently held at bay their “give us all your medical information because we C A R E about our employees” nonsense.
    …until this year.
    This year they changed tactics.
    “We care so much about our employees health and well-being that if you (and your spouse) don’t get medical screenings and provide us with a picture of said well-being…you’re fired.
    …but it’s COMPLETELY anonymous…REALLY!!”
    …do I have to mention that, as expected, our healthcare premiums have almost DOUBLED for less coverage this year?


    (Oh! Did I mention that they DID implement “Bring-Your-Dog-to-Work-Day” this year…? For our mental well-being I’m told.)

    1. Well, if you wanted a Pyrrhic victory you could drop your employer-sponsored coverage so they have no leverage, and then get coverage on the individual 0bamacare market.

      IIRC, if fewer than 85% of employees don’t take the mandatory employer-sponsored coverage, the company can get fined.

  2. Did they spray for fleas afterwards?
    The office area of the warehouse was carpeted. Some idiot salesman brought in his little doggie, who proceeded to salt the carpet with fleas and eggs. Lovely problem. He was no longer well thought of after that visit to home base.

  3. “That which government cannot force you to do because of Constitutional- or legal prohibition, it will force your employer to do on their behalf.”

    The textbook definition of Fascism.

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